Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dan and Becky's Wedding as-viewed-by-Kurth

Dan and Becky were married on July 5th at the beautiful Belle Terre Vineyard and Reception Hall.   The beautiful outdoor "Heaven's Gate" setting was enhanced by the late afternoon sun.

The entry to the reception hall features a pair of antique Italian church doors.

The venue is beautiful.  I was especially impressed with the way the management made sure that every detail was perfect. 

The interior closely resembles some of the most beautiful locations in Italy. 

 I sometimes find it to be a challenge to find suitable backgrounds but Belle Terre is a photographers dream.

Becky didn't want Dan to see her dress before the ceremony but that didn't keep them completely apart. 

Italian cities are known for their fountains.  Belle Terre has beautiful fountains too.

 Becky stands at the base of the staircase.

Alice in Wonderland as-viewed-by-Kurth

Eighteen month Alice had a tea party with her Wonderland friends today.  She enjoyed pouring tea for everyone.  She served three kinds of cake.

I really enjoyed this session.  I was able to photograph Alice at play without asking her to modify any of her normal behavior.  As a result, Alice was relaxed and "into the moment".